

“The existence of viruses that cause so-called “viral infections” has never been scientifically substantiated. None of the alleged viruses (HIV et al) has ever been isolated from a host cell nor has their DNA been properly identified, which are the basic criteria for the proof of the existence of a virus. Since viruses that supposedly cause AIDS, SARS, pneumonia, the avian flu, bird flu, swine flu, hepatitis, herpes, measles, polio, cervical cancer and the like cannot be found in the human body, orthodox medicine uses a rather unscientific method, namely to conclude from the rise of antibodies in the presence of a virus and hence an “infectious disease”. This method is called “indirect evidence”. ”Antibody tests just prove the existence of antibodies and not the virus or particles itself to which the antibody tests react.” https://learninggnm.com/SBS/documents/five_laws.html#Fourth_BL_Viruses

Virus Mania by Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Köhnlein (2007)

“The existence of these so-called ‘killer viruses’ must first be proven. And this is where the trouble begins. Consequential, scientifically-sound evidence has never been provided, even though it’s as easy as taking a sample of a patient blood and isolating one of these viruses in a purified form with its complete genetic material (genome) and virus shell directly from it, and then imaging it with an electron microscope. But these critical initial steps have never been done with H5N1 (avian flu), the so-called hepatitis C virus, HIV, and numerous other particles that are officially called viruses and depicted as attack-crazy beasts.” (43)

From  David Crowe:

Viruses were claimed to exist and to be the cause of disease through negative evidence. When materials could be forced through a filter so fine that bacteria could not get through, yet still cause disease when injected into an animal (often directly into the brain), it was claimed that a “filterable virus“ was present.

Prior to the invention of the Electron Microscope in the 1930s it was not possible to see particles this small. With the electron microscope the new breed of virologists started to look at impure materials and claim that they could spot the viruses. The problem is that just by looking at a particle you cannot tell what it is or what it does without fulfilling Koch’s postulates.

Koch’s postulates were developed by the great 19th century German bacteriologist Robert Koch. Stated simply:

  1. Purify the virus (you can use an electron microscope to verify that your sample is pure – all particles should look very similar).
  2. Inject the virus into a vulnerable animal.
  3. Verify that the symptoms of the disease arise.
  4. Repurify the virus.

It is very important to note that these are logical postulates, not scientific laws. They are, in other words, just simple, straightforward, every day logic. Koch’s brilliance was putting them into simple words and forcing those who promoted infectious disease theories (most of which were wrong) into a corner. Fulfill these simple logical postulates, or go home.

The problem for viruses was that, even into the electron microscope era, a top virologist was forced to admit that, “It is obvious that Koch’s postulates have not been satisfied in viral diseases” (Rivers TM. Viruses and Koch’s Postulates. J Bacteriol. 1937 Jan; 33(1): 1-12). So, instead of satisfying these simple logical postulates, he just proposed two new ones

  • A specific virus must be found associated with a disease with a degree of regularity.
  • The virus must be shown to occur in the sick individual not as an incidental or accidental finding but as the cause of the disease under investigation.

These are obvious nonsense, but even today this paper is still referenced as seminal, and virologists spend more effort trying to rewrite Koch’s postulates than to fulfil them.

It helps to know a little bit about how virologists work, getting past all the high-tech, sophisticated equipment, and into the logic. This is the approximate sequence of events, you will find repeated thousands of times in the virology literature:

  1. Get a sample from a diseased person or animal. Blood, semen, urine.
  2. Purify it a little bit (e.g. spin the blood to get the serum). This is called the ‘isolate’, even though nothing has been isolated.
  3. Possibly put it through a filter (to remove bacteria and whole cells).
  4. Add to a culture of cancerous cells (often the HeLa from a woman with cancer or Vero cells from monkeys).
  5. Add a number of stimulating and toxic chemicals, as well as nutrients for the cells.
  6. Leave for a while (a week or two).
  7. Check for signs of a virus including:
    • Particles of the expected size and shape under an electron microscope.
    • Cell death.
    • Detection of proteins believed to be from the virus under investigation (but without purification, how could one know what the proteins that makeup the physical structure of the virus are?).
    • Detection of DNA or RNA believed to be from the virus (but again, without purification, how could one know what the DNA or RNA inside the virus is?).
    • Indirect detection of Reverse Transcription, the process of converting RNA into DNA, even though it is known this occurs in cells (particularly in the artificial environment of a cell culture) without viruses present.
    • Detection of anything unusual, such as giant cells, known as synctitia, even though these anomalies are never found in a living organism.

On this basis virologists claim ‘isolation’ of a virus, even though they have not logically proven that a virus is present, let alone a specific virus.

If anyone believes that Koch’s postulates have been fulfilled for any virus, I would love to hear from you.

Nancy Turner Banks – Patrick Timpone ( MUST LISTEN ) :

“In any case, no test can detect antibodies if the underlying body has never been detected” Stefan Lanka








The Omicron Deception; how long can they string out the mutation-stories?

by Jon Rappoport

Nothing mutates faster than a non-virus, except perhaps Tony Fauci’s pronouncements about the “pandemic.”

In early 2020, it all started with a “virus” no one had isolated. Meaning a phantom, a fake, a con, a non-entity. NO VIRUS TO THIS DAY.

Now we’ve had fake variants of the fakes. Delta; Omicron from Africa.

The Stupidity Index—how stupid a person has to be in order to believe the official COVID narrative—is expanding. The more variants, the dumber obedient people have to be, to go along with the show.

At some point, as the number of variants grows, even people who resemble sloths living their lives hanging upside down in trees, will wake up.

“What was that new mutation last week? And this one today? It really comes from Antarctica? And we have to stay indoors for another month? I just want to tailgate and sit in a stadium and scream and drink and watch football…”

Which has already been happening this fall. By the millions, people are pouring into packed venues every weekend to watch pro, college, and high school football. On November 27th, 104,000 sat unmasked, cheek to jowl, in Michigan Stadium as their beloved home team upset Ohio State—and at the end of the game at least 20,000 fans came out on the field to celebrate. The field and the stands formed one vast sea of humanity. Variant? What variant? Delta? Omicron? Are they college fraternities?

Vegas bookies may be getting ready to post an over/under number on the final total of CDC/WHO variants. I say it would be 5.

At 5, people will lose track. They’ll forget the previous variants. They’ll tend to ignore COVID news altogether.

The basic tactic since the beginning has been: invent new fantasies to explain prior fantasies. For example, “Vaccinated people can still catch COVID.” That’s a fantasy because there is no virus. Now comes, “The vaccinated people catching COVID are really being infected by a variant; Delta or Omicron; that’s why the vaccine has become ‘less effective’.”

If you’ve ever forced yourself to sit through one of the hundred or so virus-outbreak movies, you know that at some point the scientific story line loses its impact. You’re thinking, “Let’s get to the car chase and the stuff blowing up and the people shooting each other.”

That’s what the movie is really about.

The COVID hoax is really about lockdowns and destruction of economies and lives and vaccine injury and death and tyrannical takeover of ruined society.

I’ll give you another number. It really does exist. It’s the grand total, worldwide, of people who are either: coming out into the street protesting the COVID restrictions and mandates; or ignoring them altogether and breaking all the rules and going about their lives unvaccinated.

I don’t know what that number is, but when it’s reached, the sociopaths will retreat. The genie will be out of the bottle for good.

Yes, it’s a very big number. But when has freedom not had a price?

Apparently, many people believe the number doesn’t matter, because God is going to intercede and make things right. It’s hard for me to imagine He’ll come through if most people, on their own, are doing NOTHING.

In the Old Testament, He seems to be chronically irked on this very point.

Starting in 1986, it took me two years to uncover the con that was HIV. I thought I had reached the bottom of it, but there were a few miles to go. Later, in the 1990s, I realized the bottom was NOTHING. That’s right. This sometimes is the case in really long cons. You drill all the way down and you find an empty space where you thought something existed.

The bottom of the HIV con—as with SARS-CoV-2—is: the virus doesn’t exist.

In prior articles, I’ve spelled this out in great detail.

It’s stage magic. There is no woman in the box. When the magician saws off her legs, she’s not there. As far as flesh is concerned, he’s sawing through nothing.

The magician is selling the audience’s illusion back to the audience.

As various propagandists have pointed out, the bigger the lie the easier it is to make it stick.

That’s because people are only familiar with small or moderate-sized lies; and because the amount of Structure which would be overturned by the exposure of a huge lie is too threatening.

“You mean the FDA and the CDC and WHO are all going down? Disappearing into dust? But I feel comfortable with them. They’re my friends. I don’t want to see them disappear…”

I do. And tomorrow wouldn’t be too soon.

And if the so-called branch of medical science called virology vanished from the Earth, there would be champagne corks popping in my house.

But for the moment, I’d be satisfied if all vaccine mandates everywhere were wiped off the books—just to give us some breathing room.

That revolution IS within our grasp, if enough of us build toward the critical-mass number I just alluded to above. It would be quite something to see. A fabulous jolt of adrenaline for the human race; for the right reason, for once.

Leave the Omicron and the Delta fantasies for the sloths on the couch. One day, they’ll stir from their trance and stumble along to catch up with us.


Christine Massey :

truthcomestolight.com-The Non-Existent Virus an Explosive Interview With Christine Massey

truthcomestolight.com-156 Responses From 25 Countries FOI Requests Affirm That No Record of SARS-Cov-2 Isolation Exists Any


A) Caroline Markolin, Ph.D.
( https://learninggnm.com )

German New Medicine (GNM) – Virus Mania Part1

German New Medicine (GNM) – Virus Mania Part2

B) Ilsedora Laker
( http://www.newmedicine.ca )

Biology After Hamer Part 1

Biology After Hamer Part 2



goVIRUSgo :